Do you know that rumors can make you good or harm you in the opposite way?
I learned my lesson for not putting barriers to anyone.
I can be friendly to everyone but people aren't so nice to you. Remember that!
Sometime you just wish to find a listener to tell what you feels,
But ended up your listener become your paparazzi and spreading your news all over the world.
Would they can just listen and forget? or just shut up?
People mouth is vicious.
As they are too free to busybody updating people news, they forgotten what is their purpose to be a listener.
They like to use your feeling and thought to make fun of and entertain the other's.
This really shows no respects on other's privacy!
That was why the elderly has a saying "Do not wash your linear on the public"
If there is something bad happen to you, you shouldn't tell anyone on what you feel to tell.
Choose people wisely to whom you tell.
If can, the ideal choice is tell no one.
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